Interview with the Ludogorets Academy Director

Ludogorets Academy director Radoslav Komitov

Can you tell us a little bit about your role and what you do in the club?

R. Komitov:
My name is Radoslav Komitov and I am the director of the Children`s Youth Academy “Ludogorets” Razgrad. As such, I participate in the planning, organization and implementation of the sports training process by teams and age groups and prepare the necessary documentation and guide the activities of the Academy.

Next year Ludogorets it`s going to play the UEFA Youth League, competing against the best teams in Europe, what implies for the club and the development of the players?

This enables our players to reach a higher level in all aspects of the football game. We meet with some of the best teams in Europe and exchange experience with colleagues from these clubs.

In the world of football when you hear Bulgaria, Hristo Stoichkov comes to mind, and also national team of 1994 that achieved the 4th place in the USA World Cup, what was the impact of this achievement for the country and the football?

At this time, after this spectacular success of our National team, many children become interested in and play football, which contributed to the development of many Bulgarian players such as Dimitar Berbatov, Martin Petrov and others.

The best qualification of Bulgaria for the World Cup was in 1998, what you think about the actual situation of the football in Bulgaria? You think that it will be possible to see the national team again qualified for the World Cup?

In order to raise the level of Bulgarian football there should be more teams with established structure, organization and way of working as we do in professional football club Ludogorets. This will lead to a better competitive environment and will rise the level and quality of Bulgarian players and eventually then we can see our national team qualify for the World Cup.

We saw Ludogorets recently signed a partnership with Youth Academy, you think the youth teams are an important part for the future of the club? What are the next steps planned to continue the evaluation pf the Academy?

R.Komitov: Yes, partnerships with other youth academies are very important to our development because they enable us to attract better quality young athletes who have been observed for a long time, to be able to select children who meet the criteria and requirements of the Ludogorets Academy.

In addition, about the club, what is the main difference between working with a technological platform and working in the traditional way?

All developed clubs in the world are already working with technological system. This improves the performance of the club in all aspects.

Do you think that the introduction of director11 in the club is helping you doing your job?

The introduction of the director11 platform in our club gives great advantages for continuous control of the sports and technical process in the Academy and other units in the Academy.

What do you expect from director11 in the future? How you think it`s going to evolve in the club?

I think director11 is a very well-developed modern platform that gives different job opportunities and has a place and perspective in our club. Of course if we have any ideas and innovative suggestions we will share them with you.